Wednesday, November 26th 2014, 6:27 pm
Up to this point, we've only heard what happened before police arrived, but now we are able to see the defendant, Devin Rogers, take his first hostage.
Nextep security footage initially shows Rogers walk on the side of the building. From there He continues to the northwest. As Rogers approached the intersection, he decided to hide behind a bush. There he waited for Joe Steadman.
Steadman spoke with News 9 earlier this month and told us he had lunch at his home nearby and was walking back to work. Little did he know, Rogers had been hiding behind that bush for nearly 15 minutes.
As Steadman passed Rogers jumped from behind the bush, ran after Steadman, grabbed him by the shirt collar and put a gun Steadman's neck.
11/10/2014 Related Story: Norman Hostage Situation Ends Peacefully, Suspect in Custody
Inside, another camera captured the Steadman and Rogers walking past the front desk, where Steadman told the woman to call 911 and that he had been taken hostage.
Switching angles in the main lobby, you can see Rogers try to force Steadman into the elevator Steadman fought back. He told News 9 that that was the last place he wanted to be with a gunman. They continue to struggle then finally Rogers forces Steadman into the elevator.
The two ended up at the 2nd floor, where Steadman works. There he was able to run away from Rogers and return to his family long before the four-hour negotiations with police.
The footage of those moments on the second floor have yet to be released.
November 26th, 2014
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
March 13th, 2025
March 13th, 2025
March 13th, 2025