Tuesday, November 24th 2015, 8:50 pm
A native Oklahoman living in Qatar, who fought back against placement on the No-Fly List, is now accused in connection to a terror group. He was arrested reportedly for trying to join ISIS.
We last spoke to Saadiq Long, a U.S. Air Force veteran, back in 2013 when he was stopped at Will Rogers World Airport. He was eventually allowed to fly here from Qatar to visit his sick mother, he then hit red tape while trying to leave.
11/5/2015 Related Story: Oklahoma Man On No Fly List Fighting To Come Home
"They send over three police officers who told me to talk to the TSA. TSA told me I needed to call the FBI because they can't remove from this list. So it's mind-boggling this is happening," Long said.
Now, the website PJ Media reported it has U.S. and Turkish confirmation saying Long has been arrested along the Turkish-Syrian border with members of ISIS.
The Oklahoma Chapter of the Council on American-Islam Relations or CAIR fought for Long in his battle against the No-Fly List. The effort even reached out to lawmakers and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
News 9's Kelly Ogle spoke with Adam Soltani, the Executive Director of CAIR-Oklahoma. He said he was "heartbroken" when he heard the report about Saadiq Long and his alleged connection to ISIS. He's withholding judgment until there's confirmation and more details.
Soltani told Kelly that CAIR-Oklahoma hates ISIS and terrorism, and that they represented Long two years ago because the FBI never disclosed any incriminating information against him.
News 9 and News9.com will keep you updated as more information becomes available.
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