Tuesday, May 22nd 2018, 5:32 pm
A colon cancer patient is refusing to give up hope and he's inspiring millions of others along the way with a simple song.
Doctors diagnosed 60-year-old Delvin Simmons with stage four colon cancer just two weeks ago.
The devastating news came after his first colonoscopy. Doctors believe they could have caught the cancer a decade ago.
Now Delvin is sharing his story, hoping no one else will put off getting that potentially life-saving test.
The lyrics to one of Simmons’ favorite songs, “The Old Man is Dead” by Del Way, has helped carry him through some pretty hard times.
“I have never made it through that song without the Lord touching my heart, reminding me that he loved me and brought me out of what I used to be," Simmons said.
When he was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer, Delvin turned to the song again.
“I wanted to make that video for my kids in case I did not make the journey through this cancer," he said.
Delvin has been a truck driver for more than 40 years.
He knew the cancer would eventually make him too weak to drive and he wanted to hit the road one last time.
So, Simmons hit the road with the music blasting while his son Justin sat in the passenger seat filming him sing the song.
The video hit Facebook and has been viewed more than 4 million times.
“I have sat in this hospital and I have cried. Not for sadness but because I am overwhelmed at what God is doing with that song," said Simmons.
Doctors told Delvin he has probably had the cancer for 10 years. Now, he's hoping his story will also help educate people about the importance of colonoscopies.
Go Fund Me: Help Delvin & Betty Fight Cancer
"If I had had a colonoscopy 5 years ago, this may have all been different," Simmons said. “My life was not a waste. I can see good that has come from my life whether it is at the end or whether I'm just at a bump in the road."
The singer of the song, Del Way, actually saw the video and shared it on his own Facebook page.
That interview along with more resources on colon health is in this story on the News On 6 App.
News On 6 spoke with Doctor Matt Wilson at Hillcrest and he said most cases of colon cancer can be prevented by getting early screening tests.
The first colonoscopy is usually when you are 50 years old but it could be earlier than that if you have a history of colon cancer in your family.
For more information, visit www.cancer.org.
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