State finance officials say Oklahoma's economy is continuing to show positive signs and state treasury collections are reaching all-time highs for both the last month and year.
A lot of news coming out of the Capitol Monday; news that will have an impact on every single Oklahoman.
Oklahoma's state treasurer has issued a new scam warning about a website trying to get people to pay a fee to claim lost money.
State agencies could soon get some good news: they may be getting a refund.
The state's recently approved $6.8 billion budget for fiscal year 2018 is facing multiple legal challenges, another lawsuit was filed Wednesday, but that didn't keep the State Board of Equalization from certifying the spending plan.
A bill that some say could potentially be harmful to the pension funds for the state's teachers and state employees made it a step closer to becoming law Thursday, but not without some controversy.
State Treasurer Ken Miller released the state's latest revenue numbers, along with a pretty harsh commentary on the effort state lawmakers are making to improve those numbers.
This week, state lawmakers advanced a bill to give teachers raises without a plan to pay for it, and they dipped into an account with no money in it, to fund DHS.
Just last week, state lawmakers were surprised to find out the Rainy Day Fund is tapped. Now, another surprise; that a secret deal cut last year will cost millions this year.
Oklahoma Treasurer Ken Miller is delivering more bad news about the state's economy.
The state is facing a nearly $900-million budget shortfall. That's the word coming out of Wednesday morning's Board of Equalization meeting at the Capitol. The newest projections are what Gov. Mary Fallin will use to make her budget.
Gross Receipts to the Treasury continued their downward trajectory for an 18th consecutive month in August as unemployment figures released late in the month show Oklahoma’s jobless numbers exceed the national rate for the first time in 26 years, according to State Treasurer Ken Miller.
The state’s newly formed Tax Incentive Evaluation Commission is targeting nearly $110 million in tax incentives given to businesses in its first year of operation.
State Treasurer Ken Miller announced Friday that monthly collections from oil and natural gas production are the lowest since May 1999.