Thursday, April 23rd 2009, 10:50 pm
By Colleen Chen, NEWS 9
OKLAHOMA CITY -- The Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics has waited 10 years to expand dorm rooms, but the state hasn't fully paid matching contributions as promised.
Back in 1991, state legislators made a promise to OSSM; raise some money to expand your dorms, and we'll exceed it in matching funds.
In 1999 that promise was renewed. Fast forward 10 more years to now and the school is still waiting on $3 million state dollars, and the money OSSM raised on their own could start shrinking.
"What these young people are, are the future leaders for this state, scholars, professors, people to help create jobs in the future, increasing the tax base for all of us," said OSSM President Edna Manning.
It's why she's wanted to double the rooms for so many years now, which parents say are crucial to the high success of students.
"It's a total learning environment so it brings out the best qualities in them as far as academics are concerned," said parent Jerry Burger.
Matthew Allen, now a lawyer, lived in the same exact dorms before graduating in 1998.
"You really stay more engaged with the material, more engaged with the professors," said OSSM graduate Matthew Allen.
OSSM has raised $4.5 million to expand the dorm, money that's been sitting around for years waiting patiently to be matched. The patience has run out.
"We have an urgent situation now because two of our major donors have indicated they want their money back by June 30 if the state does not match it," said OSSM'S President.
"I don't know what the holdup was 9 years ago, 8 years ago, 7 years ago, 6 years ago. I don't know why the money was not appropriated like the commitment was made. All I can tell you is this session it's going be challenging to appropriate that money," said Sen. Todd Lamb.
"I think it's unfortunate it's come at a time with a downturn in the economy and tight state funding but we have a deadline we have to meet or we lose money," said OSSM President Edna Manning.
School leaders say that's the real loss. Just last Saturday, they wanted to accept 134 very qualified candidates, but the lack of dorm space means they'll only accept 75.
April 23rd, 2009
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024