Tuesday, May 11th 2010, 12:36 pm
By Rusty Surette, NEWS 9
OKLAHOMA CITY -- The Oklahoma National Guard's 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team received an alert order Monday morning to begin preparing for a deployment to Afghanistan in early 2011.
The 45th IBCT will be partnering with the Afghanistan National Security Force to conduct ongoing full-spectrum operations, including humanitarian, rebuilding and reconstruction projects. The IBCT will also be engaged in counterinsurgency operations with their Afghan military counterparts.
This latest call-up involves approximately 3,400 Oklahoma National Guardsmen.
It will be the largest deployment of Oklahoma National Guard soldiers since the Korean War.
"My reaction was a lot of excitement. It is an honor we can serve our state again," said Sgt. Kyle Hyden, 45th National Guard.
Hyden's service is nothing new for his family. His father is in the guard and his brother is a 1st Lt. His wife of 3 years said she is also supporting his second deployment.
"We are somewhat used to it, but every deployment brings something new. We will overcome it together," Hyden said.
For Spec. Candace Miner, next year's deployment is her first.
"It is something tough but also something to be proud of," said Spec. Candace Miner, 45th National Guard.
Miner said she knows the comrade among the soldiers during training and the deployment will help carry her through any tough times ahead. She said her other support will also come from her family and the man she just married.
"My husband is out of town right now, so I just called him to let him know. He knew it was a possibility as well so he was not too shocked. He said we will deal with it and tough it out and get through this too," Miner said.
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