Tuesday, March 20th 2012, 11:58 pm
I got an interesting letter from Sharon in Choctaw and enclosed was this Cracker Barrel map.
She wrote:
"Cracker Barrel gives complimentary roadway maps that show all of their 600+locations in the U.S., ...as I was looking at the trivia and stories they print, I was pleased with the 'Name that City'. It was a pleasant surprise to see Oklahoma City listed and our adopted name was very nice to actually see in print."
Adopted name?
I'd actually forgotten, even though I did a commentary on it about five years back, it hasn't really caught on much.
The Chamber of Commerce was kind of pushing a certain nickname, I liked it at the time, and still do, but it'll never catch on if we don't have some signage.
I did a random survey around the newsroom, and only one person vaguely remembered the nickname, those are people who live here, how are out-of-towners supposed to know it?
Did you remember the proposed nickname for Oklahoma City, the one that capitalizes on the kindness and generosity of the folks who live here?
They were touting the name, and Cracker Barrel latched onto the name "The Big Friendly" for Oklahoma City.
The Big Friendly.
Cool, corny.. what do you think?
March 20th, 2012
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
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February 28th, 2025
February 28th, 2025