Tuesday, June 5th 2012, 12:38 pm
I sure felt like I deserved this award the other day. I don't even want to really say what happened because I feel awful about it. But the point of doing this blog is to document the good, the bad, and the 'I wish I could take this moment back'.
What happened falls into the latter category. I had Gage in my arms and was taking off a hat he had on when all of a sudden he flailed back. And then I dropped him! Well, it was more like a fumble. It seemed like everything was happening in slow motion. He went back, I grabbed his legs which broke his fall and luckily he landed on the dog bed.
He just looked at me like 'Hey Mom - why'd you just do that???' He didn't even really cry, but I sure did! I looked him over and there were no bumps or bruises, he could still follow me with his eyes - in fact he was smiling at me just a few seconds later. I still just felt awful.
But I'll tell you what made me feel a little better - knowing I wasn't the only one this has happened to. In fact, it seems everyone I've mentioned this too has a story of their own. I've heard stories of kids rolling off the bed, off the sofa, being hit in the head by a bag of apples, and even my own mom just laughed and told me the story of how I used to climb out of my crib and they'd hear a loud thump. That thump of course was me hitting the ground. I turned out alright and Gage seems to be just fine, too... Thank goodness!
June 5th, 2012
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
March 6th, 2025
March 6th, 2025
March 6th, 2025