Tuesday, December 18th 2012, 4:39 pm
After disturbing nursing home abuse is caught on tape, advocates are demanding cameras be placed in nursing homes.
Some Oklahoma lawmakers say they will be looking into proposals this session that would mandate cameras in nursing home rooms and common areas.
11/30/2012 Related Story: Caught On Tape: Elderly Woman Tortured In OKC Nursing Home
The hidden camera in 96-year old Eryetha Mayberry's nursing home room revealed horrible abuse.
"It's just something that we could have never imagined," Mayberry's daughter Earlene Adkisson said.
Mayberry had dementia and couldn't remember what happened to her so she could tell her family.
Her daughters hid the camera thinking someone was stealing from their mother, never imagining they would catch abuse.
It's all clear proof say advocates that camera's need to be in every nursing home that can be monitored by nursing home staff and family members.
"I believe there are at least 62,000 cases of abuse that go unreported in our state's nursing homes every year. The only way we're going to know what the scope is by using video monitoring systems," said Wes Bledsoe, an advocate for nursing home patients.
The Oklahoma Association of Health Care Providers, a group that represents nursing homes, says the strongly support any measure that ensure the security and safety of our patients.
A spokesperson for the group said in a written statement,
"It is also important to understand that when cameras are used, informed consent is the key. Protecting the dignity and privacy our patients must always be considered since a great deal of care takes place at the patient's bedside. The most proven and effective way to assure quality and safety is through family involvement in patient care, ongoing staff education, careful screening of potential employees and responsible abuse prevention programs."
Bledsoe said he has support for his proposal on both sides of the aisle.
December 18th, 2012
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