Tuesday, April 29th 2014, 7:21 pm
Hinton police found Rodney Cox dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound on Sunday.
Cox allegedly had a domestic dispute, led police on a chase and then barricaded himself inside his Hinton home.
The standoff last 15 hours, Hinton police issued a statement. Chief Shanon Pack said officers did not fire any shots during the standoff.
He said Cox, who was on the force from 2001 to 2012, took his own life.
Following the incident, Caddo County prosecutors charged his son, 21-year-old Landon Cox and his alleged accomplice, 20-year-old Connor Ray Smith, with a felony count of conspiring to perform an act of violence.
According to court records, Landon allegedly asked Smith to pick up the guns from his house, because he may need them when going to talk with his father.
Reports show Landon told Smith that if police would not let him see his father, he would "unload on the cops."
Meanwhile, negotiators claim Rodney was barricaded in his home, warning officers at the scene that "when his son arrives, people will die."
Authorities took those threats seriously. Two years ago, they were in a similar situation with Cox who was a reserve Hinton police officer at the time.
During the 2012 police standoff, Cox shot himself and a retired Caddo County Deputy. Both recovered.
Investigators did not want to risk an officer getting hurt again, so they moved quickly to retrieve several weapons from Landon's home before he and his alleged accomplice could do any harm.
Agents allegedly caught Smith loading up three long guns and a couple boxes of ammunition. They also removed several rifles, shotguns and a pistol from Landon Cox's home.
Before Landon made it to his father's house, Oklahoma Highway Patrol troopers arrested him in Custer County for driving under the influence. Troopers indicated Cox had a loaded .45 caliber pistol in the vehicle.
Cox was arrested and booked in the Custer County Jail. He has not booked into Caddo County for the latest warrant for conspiring to perform an act of violence.
Smith was booked in to the Caddo County Jail. He is out on a $25,000 bond.
Attorneys for the defendants could not be located.
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