That was when Phillips walked into the group of students, beating his drum to calm a combustible situation.
"What did you do when America was tearing itself apart? Or did you go in there in the midst of it and say, this is wrong? That's what I did," he said.
While Philips said he heard the kids taunt him and the diocese and school initially condemned the students, the other videos told a more complex story, according to supporters of the kids.
Ever since, social media has raged. The boys, Phillips and media were all taking it on the chin depending on who was posting, demonstrating how we now process events in real time — not necessarily the time frame required to gain true understanding.
Maybe the most striking thing is this all unfolded steps from the words of Lincoln etched into the memorial: "Let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds."
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