Thursday, August 22nd 2019, 7:17 pm
A new restaurant along Interstate 35 in Northeast Oklahoma City is packing them in on its opening week. That's partly due to the head scratching looks the building’s been getting for years.
The Poe Bouyz House, a seafood restaurant, at I-35 and NE 36th appears to be a building sitting on its side. The door and windows are strangely angled. Water shoots from the mouth of a Poseidon statue and off the side of the roof.
“They thought it’s a Ripley’s Believe it or Not or some sort of artistic gallery,” said Tony Howard, who spent four years building the restaurant.
“When you open your mind, sometimes God puts crazy things in your mind. And this is what he’s done,” added Howard, who is a carpenter by trade.
“We’ve passed it many times…wondering what it was all about. The food is amazing,” said customer Jennifer Beagle.
Years of built up curiosity appear to equal customers. The place was packed for lunch Thursday, August 22.
The Poe Bouyz House serves lunch from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., but Howard said it offers dinner starting Friday, August 23.
“It feels good to realize all the hard work and effort that has gone into this thing,” said Howard.
August 22nd, 2019
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