Wednesday, March 18th 2020, 4:53 am
President Trump said the U.S. and Canada will block "non-essential traffic" from traveling across the northern border as the administration looks for ways to prevent new introductions of the coronavirus into the U.S.
The president announced the news in a tweet. Canada has already closed its borders to all foreign nationals except U.S. citizens.
U.S. stocks plunged after the opening bell Wednesday as the number of confirmed cases in the U.S. soars and cities and states take more stringent steps to restrict movement and the congregation of large groups.
U.S. stocks plunged after the opening bell Wednesday as the number of confirmed cases in the U.S. soars and cities and states take more stringent steps to restrict movement and the congregation of large groups.
","published":"2020-03-18T09:53:40.000Z","updated":"2020-03-18T10:24:56.000Z","summary":"According to the Associated Press, President Trump said the U.S. and Canada have agreed to close the border to \"non-essential traffic.\"","affiliate":{"_id":"5c784a0c4961cb23ad330098","callSign":"kotv","origin":""},"contentClass":"news","createdAt":"2020-03-23T19:12:09.571Z","updatedAt":"2020-03-31T17:28:17.942Z","__v":1,"breakingNews":[],"show":true,"link":"/story/5e790a0957ef223f31423970/president-trump:-us-canada-agree-to-close-border-to-nonessential-traffic","hasSchedule":false,"id":"5e790a0957ef223f31423970"};January 29th, 2020
January 28th, 2020
January 23rd, 2020
February 24th, 2025
February 24th, 2025
February 24th, 2025