Thursday, March 19th 2020, 11:12 am
As schools across Oklahoma are closed through the first week of April, at least, due to coronavirus (COVID-19), school districts are stepping up to make sure Oklahoma children are fed each day.
We've received a lot of information at both News 9 and News On 6, and we're putting that information into one spot. The name of the school district will be at the top with distribution information below.
Oklahoma City Public Schools
Dates: Monday, March 23 through Friday, April 3, 2020 (these dates will be extended as needed)
Meals will be served Monday - Friday only
Meals Available: Breakfast and Lunch is available for individuals 0 to 18 years old only (both meals can be picked up at the same time).
Cost: Meals will be provided at no cost to any student under the USDA Waiver COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response Act
9:30 am to 12:30 pm
9:00 am to 10:30 am
11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Meal Pick-Up: All meal pick-up will occur outside of the school or at regional locations via a District vehicle. Look for OKCPS signage. No students or families are allowed in the building and proper social distancing of six (6) feet must be maintained at all times.
Walk-Up Service: Students who walk to a feeding site will be directed to a meal Walk-Up line where they will have the option to pick up both breakfast and/or lunch. No adults should be in the student line. Students must maintain social distancing while in line.
Drive-Thru Service: Families who wish to use the Drive-Thru line will be directed upon arriving towards the meal service location. Food will be brought to your vehicle by an SNS staff member. All occupants must remain in their vehicle while in line. Upon arrival, the driver should indicate the following:
Inclement Weather: Service will only be available at Elementary Schools and will be walk-up service only at the front door of the elementary school. All mobile sites including Green Pastures Building will be closed.
Changes in Service: The District will adjust service locations in the event we have limited participation at any distribution site. Please check the District website daily for updates.
Safety Measures: All SNS personnel will participate in a temperature check daily before handling or serving food. Any staff member with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher, or who is showing symptoms of being sick, will not be permitted to work. SNS staff members will also take all the necessary precautions for hygiene and cleanliness before and while working the meal delivery stations.
We're also posting the Spanish-language version:
Fechas: Desde el lunes, 23 de marzo hasta el viernes, 3 de abril de 2020 (estas fechas se extenderán según sea necesario)
Las comidas se servirán sólo de lunes a viernes.
Comidas Disponibles: Tendremos disponible desayuno y almuerzo sólo para personas de 0 a 18 años (ambas comidas pueden ser recogidas al mismo tiempo).
Costo: Las comidas serán proporcionadas sin costo alguno para cualquier estudiante bajo la exención de ley de Respuesta de Nutrición Infantil del COVID-19 del Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos (USDA, en inglés).
9:30 am a 12:30 pm
9:00 am a 10:30 am
11:00 am a 12:30 pm
Recogida de Comidas: Todas las recogidas de comidas se llevarán a cabo fuera de la escuela o en ubicaciones regionales a través de un vehículo del Distrito Escolar. Busque la señalización y letreros de OKCPS. No se permiten estudiantes ni familias dentro de los edificios y se debe mantener un distanciamiento social adecuado de seis (6) pies en todo momento.
Servicio de recogida de comidas para caminantes: Los estudiantes que caminan a un sitio de recogida de comidas serán dirigidos a una fila donde tendrán la opción de recoger el desayuno y/o el almuerzo. Ningún adulto debe estar en la fila de estudiantes. Los estudiantes deben mantener el distanciamiento social mientras están en línea.
Auto Servicio: Las familias que deseen utilizar el autoservicio serán dirigidas al llegar a la ubicación del servicio de entrega de comidas. Un miembro del personal del Departamento de Nutrición Escolar (SNS, en inglés) llevará alimentos a su carro. Todas las personas deben permanecer en su carro mientras están en la fila. A su llegada, el conductor debe indicar lo siguiente:
Clima Inclemente: El servicio solo estará disponible en las escuelas primarias y será un servicio sin cita previa y sólo estará en la entrada principal de la escuela primaria. Todos los sitios, incluido el edificio de Green Pastures, estarán cerrados.
Cambios en el Servicio: El Distrito ajustará las locaciones de servicios de comida en caso que haya poca participación en algún sitio de distribución de alimentos. Por favor, revise diariamente la página web de OKCPS para actualizaciones.
Medidas de Seguridad: Todo el personal del Servicios de Nutrición Escolar (SNS, en inglés) participará diariamente en un control de temperatura antes de manipular o servir alimentos. No se permitirá trabajar a ningún miembro del personal con una temperatura de 100.4 grados o más, o que muestre síntomas de enfermedad. Los miembros del personal de SNS también tomarán todas las precauciones necesarias para la higiene y la limpieza antes y mientras trabajan en las estaciones de entrega de comidas.
Tulsa Public Schools
While schools remain closed as a preventive measure against the spread of COVID-19, Tulsa Public Schools will provide all children ages 18 and under with nutritious meals free of charge. The district will provide “Grab-and-Go” breakfast and lunch meals at approximately 40 sites and deliver “Meals on Wheels” to approximately 170 bus sites throughout the city starting on Monday, March 23. Meal services will be provided from Monday, March 23 until Friday, April 3. In the event of a longer closure, the district will continue to provide meals to Tulsa children. Families can find meal-sites and service times at
Grab-and-Go Meals
Grab-and-Go meal service will be available on weekdays starting on March 23 through April 3.
Service Schedule:
Monday, March 23: *special one-time schedule* with curbside meal pick-up
Tuesday, March 24 – Friday, April 3: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. with curbside meal pick-up
Meals on Wheels
The district’s “Meals on Wheels” drive-through service will run from March 23 – April 3. Tulsa Public Schools buses will park at approximately 170 stops throughout the city and provide to-go meals to all children ages 18 and under. Buses will park for approximately five minutes or until the last meal is served.
Service Schedule: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. on weekdays
Meals provided:
Nothing is more important than keeping the Tulsa Public Schools team and families safe.
Staff who might be considered high-risk for infection, are experiencing symptoms, or have other concerns about their health and safety will not be working.
The following will serve as Tulsa Public Schools “grab and go” sites:
Site by Neighborhood | Address |
Central Neighborhood |
Academy Central Elementary School | 1789 W. Seminole St. |
Emerson Elementary School | 910 N. Martin Luther King Blvd. |
Central High School | 3101 W. Edison St. |
Mark Twain Elementary School | 541 S. 43rd West Ave. |
East Central Neighborhood |
Cooper Elementary School | 1808 S. 123rd East Ave. |
Disney Elementary School | 11702 E. 25th St. |
Kerr Elementary School | 202 S. 117th East Ave. |
Lewis and Clark Elementary School | 737 S. Garnett Rd. |
Peary Elementary School | 10818 E. 17th St. |
Edison Neighborhood |
Wright Elementary School | 1110 E. 45th Pl. |
Hale Neighborhood |
Bell Elementary School | 6304 E. Admiral Blvd. |
Hamilton Elementary School | 2316 N. Norwood Ave. |
Hoover Elementary School | 2327 S. Darlington Ave. |
Kendall-Whittier Elementary School | 2601 E. 5th Pl. |
Lindbergh Elementary School | 931 S. 89th East Ave. |
MacArthur Elementary School | 2182 S. 73rd East Ave. |
McKinley Elementary School | 6703 E. King St. |
Owen Elementary School | 1132 N. Vandalia Ave. |
Skelly Elementary School | 2940 S. 90th East Ave. |
McLain Neighborhood |
Anderson Elementary School | 1921 E. 29th St. N. |
Celia Clinton Elementary School | 1740 N. Harvard Ave. |
Hawthorne Elementary School | 1105 E. 33rd St. N. |
John Hope Franklin Elementary School | 5402 N. Martin Luther King Blvd. |
Monroe Demonstration Academy | 2010 E. 48th St. N. |
Sequoyah Elementary School | 724 N. Birmingham Ave. |
Whitman Elementary School | 3924 N. Lansing Ave. |
Memorial Neighborhood |
Grimes Elementary School | 3213 E. 56th St. |
Grissom Elementary School | 6646 S. 73rd East Ave. |
Key Elementary School | 5702 S. Irvington Ave. |
Marshall Elementary School | 1142 E. 56th St. |
McClure Elementary School | 1770 E. 61st St. |
Webster Neighborhood |
Clinton West Elementary School | 2224 W. 41st St. |
Eugene Field Elementary School | 2249 S. Phoenix Ave. |
Robertson Elementary School | 2721 W. 50th St. |
Additional sites |
Booker T. Washington High School | 1514 E. Zion St. |
Tandy Family YMCA | 5005 S. Darlington Ave. |
TRAICE Academy High School | 2740 E. 41st St. N. |
Tulsa Dream Center | 200 W. 46th St. N. |
Will Rogers College Junior High and High School | 3909 E. 5th Pl. |
Zarrow International School | 3613 S. Hudson Ave. |
Tulsa Public Schools “grab and go” meals are at no cost to children under age 18 at approximately 38 school sites in Tulsa. Families can visit for more information on “grab and go” locations and “meals on wheels” bus stops.
Altus Public Schools
Altus Public Schools will begin the distribution of "Mobile Food" on Monday March 23, 2020
The Altus Public School Child Nutrition Department along with volunteers from Altus Public Schools will begin a Mobile Food distribution on Monday March 23 These meals will be offered at no cost to all children in the community aged 18 or under and for those with disabilities who are 21 years or under. Children must be present to receive meals.
Altus Public Schools have designated 20 stops in our community where these meals will be distributed Monday to Friday. Participants will receive a nutritious lunch and breakfast for the next day.
Meal service is possible through the Seamless Summer Option Federal Program involving Altus Public Schools.
We will comply with the recommendations for social distance and ask students not to eat at the delivery place, but to take it home.
Below are the bus routes and schedules where meals will be available for pickup. A map for food delivery is attached.
Altus Public Schools Mobile Food Routes:
BUS 45
1 11:00 - 11:15 MADISON TRAIL APTS.
2 11:20 - 11:35 CONCORD / GETTYSBURG
3 11:40 - 11:55 1013 WENDY LANE
4 12:00 - 12:15 3618 RANCH ROAD
5 12:20 - 12:40 TAMARACK APTS.
BUS 40
6 11:00 - 11:15 3100 Partridge Place
7 11:20 - 11:35 ATWOODS
8 11:40 - 11:55 INDIAN HILLS PARK
9 12:00 - 12:45 BRADFORD Y CRAIN
BUS 43
10 11:00 - 11:30 905 N. WILLARD
11 11:35 - 12:05 700 West Pecan
12 12:10 - 1:00 HICKMAN Y DAVIS
BUS 63
13 11:00 - 11:25 314 S. FORREST
14 11:30 - 12 : 00 601 E. KATY DRIVE
15 12:05 - 12:35 1501 JUPITER
16 12:40 - 1:00 1600 S. PARK LANE (AJH)
BUS 41
17 11:00 - 11:10 2213 FALCON ROAD
18 11:15 - 11:45 1510 SAN ANN DRIVE
19 11:50 - 12:20 1221 N HOWSE (AIS)
20 12:25 - 12:55 311 E. CYPRESS
Anadarko Public Schools
We will be delivering breakfast and lunch (Grab and Go) to 16 different sites in Anadarko. Please look at the list below to determine the most convenient site for your children. Our Breakfast and Lunch deliveries will be made together at the same time. Non-Bold Sites will be at 8:30am and Bold Sites will be at 9:00am.
Breakfast and Lunch (Grab and Go) can also be picked up at Anadarko High School Cafeteria at 8:30.
Anadarko Housing/Thunderbird - E Louisiana Dr. and SE 5th - 8:30
Christ Gospel Church - 416 E Kentucky Avenue - 9:00
Kiowa Housing Authority - Sunrise St and E Central Blvd - 8:30
Apache Housing Authority - N Country Club Rd./American St - 9:00
Iscani Wichita Housing Authority - 1 East Coronado Circle - 8:30
Wichita Housing /Playground - Lavaughn Lane and Lena Lane - 9:00
Sunset Elementary - 508 SW7th - 8:30
Assembly of God - 216 W Alabama Av and SW 3rd - 9:00
Prairie Village - Prairie Village and Nixon Drive - 8:30
Grace Fellowship - 301 W Kansas Av - 9:00
Village Apartments - N Country Club Road and Watson- 8:30
East Elementary - 107 SE 5th - 9:00
Oklahoma Street Gym - SW 5th St and W Broadway St - 8:30
Southern Hills - HWY 8 and Wood Lane Dr. - 9:00
Washita Community - Washita Circle - 8:30
Square Top/ Wichita Housing - Square Top Rd and Wichita Dr. - 9:00
Bethany Public Schools
Free Meal Program
Beginning March 23
Breakfast 7:30-8:30 a.m.
Lunch 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Free to anyone 18 and under
Child must be present to receive the meal. Drive-up and walk-up service available. Meals are grab-and-go, and must be taken home to eat.
Meals will be served curbside just south of the Middle School's main entrance.
Chandler Public Schools
Beginning Monday, March 23rd free meals will be provided to any child 18 years and younger. The grab-and-go meals will be distributed every weekday between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. in the car line at East Side Elementary School.
Families who drive to the school are encouraged to stay in their car. By state requirement, the child must be present to receive a meal. The meals will be distributed in a drive-through fashion. The grab-and-go packages will include lunch, as well as breakfast for the following day.
These meals are available to ANY child 18 years or younger. Applications and proof of income are NOT required. If you plan on picking up a meal for your child/children on Monday, please send an email to with how many meals you will be needing. This is not a requirement to get a meal but will allow us to bet a baseline number of how many meals we need to prepare each day. Thank you for you patience while we work to provide for our students.
Chickasha Public Schools
Beginning Monday, March 23 thru Friday, April 3 (Monday – Friday)
Claremore Public Schools
Claremore Public Schools is approved for a drive-thru “Grab and Go” meal service. Children, 18 years and under, will receive lunch for the current day and breakfast for the next morning at NO COST.
Meal drive-thru locations will begin distribution on March 23 and will be available as long as schools are closed. Locations will be open Monday - Friday from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Current locations will include:
Clinton Public Schools
Clinton Public School will start serving a “grab & go” style breakfast weekdays at Nance Elementary from 8:30-10 a.m. starting Monday, March 23. In addition, CPS will continue to provide lunch weekdays during the extended spring break. These meals will be served “grab and go” style as well and will be available at the following locations from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Edmond Public Schools
Meals for Students: Edmond Public Schools will provide free meals at seven locations to any child 18 and under regardless of whether they qualify for free and reduced-price meals or what school they attend. Children must pick up their meals in person or drive-thru (Ida Freeman and Sunset only) at the following locations at the following times:
Edmond Schools is limited in the area we can deliver meals due to federal guidelines. We are currently approaching local churches to assist in providing meals to children in the southwest corner, central and north-central areas of the district.
The Regional Food Bank is also planning on continuing its backpack program. The District has not formalized plans to continue this program yet but may seek volunteers to assist in the packaging of food to continue this program at schools.
El Reno Public Schools
Beginning Monday, March 23 (M-F), all children 18 and under (19 if enrolled in school) will be offered a “grab and go” breakfast and lunch regardless of free/reduced eligibility.
Meals may be picked up curbside from 9-11 am at:
Meals do NOT have to be picked up at each child’s school site.
Additionally, our food truck will deliver meals to the following areas of town:
Enid Public Schools
Beginning Monday, March 23, here's where you can safely pick up FREE grab-and-go breakfasts, lunches and dinners on weekdays for children under the age of 18:
Garfield Elementary School
400 N. 7th
Breakfast: 7:30-8:30 a.m. I Lunch: 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Glenwood Elementary School
8:34 N. Oakwood
Breakfast: 7:30-8:30 a.m. I Lunch: 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Enid High School
611 W. Wabash
Breakfast: 7:30-8:30 a.m. I Lunch: 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
New View Apartments Office
1726 Leona Mitchell Blvd.
Breakfast: 8-8:30 a.m. I Lunch 11:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Denny Price Family YMCA
415 W. Cherokee
Dinner: 3-4:30 p.m.
**Please be sure to have the children with you when you come to pick-up meals. Thank you.**
Jenks Public Schools
Beginning Monday, March 23, Jenks Public Schools will offer FREE Trojan Take-Out meals for children 18 years of age and under. Grab-and-go meals will be available from 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Monday through Friday at the Jenks High School Dining Hall (205 E. B Street, Jenks, OK 74037). Breakfast and lunch will be available at the same time. Those wishing to grab a meal should pull up to the front of the Dining Hall and remain in their car while the meals are delivered to their vehicle. Thank you!
Mid-Del Schools
Drive-Thru Meals
Starting Monday, March 23, 2020
Breakfast / Lunch served from 9:30-11 a.m.
Meals can be picked up at once for any child 18 and under.
Soldier Creek Elementary
Drive-thru near cafeteria doors
9021 SE 15th Street in Midwest City
Midwest City Elementary
Drive-thru near cafeteria doors
2211 S. Midwest Blvd. in Midwest City
Midwest City High School
Drive-thru near kitchen door located in a pass through drive area when entering from Elm Street on the east side of the campus.
213 Elm in Midwest City
Highland Park Elementary
Drive-thru from front door
5301 S. Dimple in Oklahoma City
Del City High School
Drive-thru at the main entrance
1900 S. Sunnylane in Del City
Moore Public Schools
Beginning Monday, March 23, and through the school closure, “Grab & Go” free meals will be available for pick-up outside of the school facilities, from 11am-1pm at the following locations:
Meals are available to all students.
Mustang Public Schools
As part of our emergency plan to address the closure of schools, we will provide sack lunches (containing a lunch and breakfast meal) prepared by our child nutrition staff. Starting on Monday, March 23, 2020, the schools below will provide curbside service of lunch and the following morning’s breakfast for MPS students (Monday-Friday from 11:00am to 1:00pm) for the duration of the school closure.
See the map of each site below for specific instructions (yellow arrows indicate traffic flow; green X is the location of curbside service).
Parents/Students are asked to stay in their vehicles and follow the directions below as well as the signs that will be posted at each site.
Below are student meal distribution sites; click on the site closest to you for a detailed map of where to pick up at each site:
Norman Public Schools
Beginning Wednesday, March 25, free meals will be provided to any child 18 years and younger. The grab-and-go meals will be distributed every weekday between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. in the car line at every NPS school site.
Families who drive to the school are encouraged to stay in their car. The meals will be distributed in a drive-through fashion. The grab-and-go packages will include a lunch, as well as breakfast for the following day. Lunch items will consist of protein, grain, fruit, vegetables and milk. Breakfast items will consist of grain, fruit, juice and milk.
Children can go to any NPS school to pick up food. The meals are available for any child under 18 years of age. Applications and proof of income is NOT required.
If possible, please use the links below to indicate which school site you plan to pick up meals from during the closure. This is not required but allows our child nutrition team to plan adequate meals for every school site.
Pawhuska Public Schools
Beginning March 23: Pawhuska Public Schools will be providing breakfast and lunch for all students 18 and under, free of charge. Breakfast and lunch will be served as grab-and-go meals from the Elementary Cafeteria.
-- Breakfast will be served at the Elementary circle drive from 8-9 a.m.
-- Lunch will be served at the Elementary circle drive from 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
We will also be delivering meals in the following areas:
Purcell Public Schools
Putnam City Schools
Beginning Monday, March 23: FREE Curbside Breakfast 7:30am-8:30am Monday-Friday. FREE Curbside Lunch 11:00am-12:30pm Monday-Friday.
This is available at every school except three: Capps will be served curbside at Central Elementary, and Putnam City North will be served curbside at James L. Dennis Elementary. Putnam City Academy will be served at their home site. This plan is in place until April 6.
Sand Springs Public Schools
Sand Springs Public Schools will provide FREE meals to children 18 years old and younger during the school closure, due to COVID-19. Meals will be available from March 23 to April 3, Monday-Friday, at the following sites:
Meals will be served as grab-and-go outside the front entrance of each school except Charles Page High School, where meals will be served on the east side of the building by the parking lot doors.
Children must be present to receive meals.
Breakfast and lunch will be served from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Children may pick up a grab-and-go lunch AND breakfast for the next morning.
Sapulpa Public Schools
Free meals for children
10 a.m. to 12 p.m. beginning March 23
Drive-through service
Holmes Park Elementary
Breakfast and lunch provided
Shawnee Public Schools
With Shawnee Public Schools closed until April 6, per a state-ordered closure, we know this is a hard time for our community. Beginning Monday, March 23, we will deliver two meals per day to our student community. Anyone 18 and under is eligible for these meals. Buses 1-11 will begin along their regular routes and within walking boundaries of each site making multiple stops along each block. Route stops will begin around 8:34 A.M. for breakfast delivery, and then again at 1:15 P.M. for afternoon delivery. Bus numbers 18-22 will follow their normal routes beginning at 8:35 A.M. and then again at 1:05 P.M. The meals are grab-and-go, and can be picked up when the bus stops.
Specific information regarding bus stop locations and approximate times are posted on the SPS app, our district website, and have been sent through our blackboard phone call/email system. If you would like to check your specific neighborhood drop off times, please click on this link. This link is also available on the COVID-19 Resources page on the Shawnee Public Schools website.
If you would like to ensure you receive meals and information during this time, please contact us at 405-878-1028. Provide your name, address, contact number, total in household 18 and under, and total household members. We understand that you may be a caretaker for individuals who are not typically our students; they will count, too.
Stillwater Public Schools
Stillwater Public Schools will be providing daily sack lunches, along with a breakfast for the next day, beginning Monday, March 23.
FREE Meals are available for not only ALL Stillwater students, but ALL children ages 1-18, regardless of free or reduced lunch status. There are no questions or paperwork.
Per department of education requirements, children must be present to collect a to-go meal and all meals must be eaten off-site.
Both methods of receiving food will be implemented at the designated school sites and bus delivery locations.
Highland Park, 400 S Drury St, 12-12:30pm
Lincoln Academy, 215 E 12th Ave, 12-12:30pm
Pioneer Stadium, N Boomer Road, 12-12:30pm
Skyline, 1402 E Sunrise Ave, 12-12:30pm
Middle School, 2200 S Sangre Rd, 12-12:30pm
Will Rogers,1211 N Washington St, 12-12:30pm
Boomer Creek, 320 E McElroy, 11-11:30am
Crestview Estates, 2323 E 6th Ave, 11-11:30am
Eastgate, 800 Eastgate St, 11:45am-12:15pm
The Links, 4599 N Washington St, 11-11:30am
OSU FRC, Walnut & McElroy, 11:45am-12:15pm
Park West, 1824 Dobi Ln, 11:45am-12:15pm
Southern Woods Dog Park, 600 W 12th Ave, 12:30pm-1pm
Tag Agency, 702 S Western Rd, 11:45am-12:15pm
Whispering Hills, 3102 S Husband, 11-11:30am
DRIVE THRU (PREFERRED METHOD) - If you arrive in a vehicle, you will pull up, roll down your window, receive food, and depart. For the safety of employees, please put your vehicle in park when receiving food.
WALK-UP - only for those who do not have a car or children whose parents will be working. In those cases, children will walk up, be handed food, and directed to depart. We know children miss their friends and might want to hug or play, but please encourage anyone walking up to maintain social distancing.
Stroud Public Schools
Stroud Public Schools will be providing a grab-and-go meal to all students/children, ages 0-18, starting Monday, March 23, 2020. This availability will be for the duration of the mandated school closure and on weekdays, only. Meals will be disbursed in a drive-thru fashion at the west end of Parkview Elementary between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Please note, federal guidelines require that the student/child be present to obtain the meal."
Tecumseh Public Schools
Tecumseh Public Schools and our food service department will be providing FREE lunch and breakfast food during the current closure. Meals will be distributed to ALL children under 18, or their parents, NOT just families who qualify for free and reduced lunches.
Pick Up Locations:
For now, TPS food service employees will lead the distribution. If more help is required, TPS will announce where and when the help is most needed. Thank you to the many who have reached out to help.
Union Public Schools
Beginning Monday, March 23rd, Union Public Schools will be offering FREE drive-thru meal pick-ups at three locations. The hours for pick up will be from 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. week days at:
Two meals, breakfast and lunch, will be available for FREE drive-through pick up for any children.
We also have this information in Spanish:
A partir del lunes 23 de marzo, las Escuelas Públicas de la Unión ofrecerán recogidas GRATUITAS de comida para llevar en auto en tres ubicaciones. El horario de recogida será de 9:30 a.m. a 11:30 a.m. de lunes a viernes en:
Dos comidas, desayuno y almuerzo, estarán disponibles para recoger en coche para cualquier estudiante.
Weatherford Public Schools
Free Grab-& Go Meals will be provided from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Middle School only starting Monday, March 23 for any child 18 years and under.
For those who are unable to go pick up a meal and need delivery, you can email or call 580-772-3327 starting Monday.
Yukon Public Schools
Breakfast & Lunch Pick-up starting March 23:
Sack breakfast and lunches will be available for pick-up only in the drop-off lanes at Central, Myers, Independence, Lakeview, Ranchwood, Shedeck, Surrey Hills and via our mobile delivery to Welcome Home and Neumayer communities. Pick-up will be between 7:30-8:15 a.m. (breakfast) and 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (lunch) each weekday.
No public access to buildings and no children are allowed to be left at any school site.
April 23rd, 2020
April 23rd, 2020
April 23rd, 2020
March 6th, 2025
March 6th, 2025