Assisted Living Center Accused Of Neglect, OK DOH Finds Evidence

A state investigation substantiates an allegation of neglect at a metro assisted living center. 

Thursday, March 9th 2023, 6:18 pm


A state investigation substantiates an allegation of neglect at a metro assisted living center. 

An investigative report from the Oklahoma State Department of Health says an unannounced on-site visit found evidence of deficient practice, or violation of state regulations at Village on the Park.

The family of one resident says it’s a step in the right direction.

“We’re asking for him to be taken care of and he is not being taken care of,” says Karen Jackson.

Jackson’s father, Wesley, checked into the facility in 2015. He moved out this week.

As his dementia worsened, Wesley transitioned from independent living to memory care.

“He’s gone downhill really fast,” says Jackson. She believes the same can be said for his level of care.

As the family’s concern grew, they obtained permission to install cameras in his room.

Jackson says the videos are still hard to watch.

Wesley checked in with a heightened risk of falling, but one fall in October stands out to Jackson; a fall backward into the bathroom.

“It must have hurt so bad for him to do that,” she says – adding that he was on the floor for 2 to 3 hours before the staff checked on him.

She says he wasn’t just left on the floor, but in the dark on the toilet. One time, she says, for 4 to 5 hours.

“It caused sores on him that had to be treated, and that is abuse,” says Jackson.

After repeated requests for answers, Jackson went to the State Department of Health.

Staff is required to provide wellness checks on residents every 2 hours.

According to the Health Department’s documents, in 30 days the task was not documented as completed 217 of 320 opportunities.

While a move out isn’t easy, Jackson says for Wesley it was necessary.

News 9 reached out to Village on the Park about the report and allegations and received the following statement:

“We have no greater priority at Village on the Park Oklahoma City than ensuring the safety and security of every resident in our care. We were made aware of an incident involving a resident of our memory care community. We took immediate disciplinary action and have reported the employees involved to the Oklahoma Nurse Aide Registry. We have and will continue to cooperate with investigations by the State Department of Public Health and plan to comply with any further action that is recommended. Ensuring the safety and security of our residents remains our number one priority.”


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