Monday, February 5th 2024, 10:36 pm
Two parents were charged with neglect after their four children tested positive for fentanyl.
At the time of testing, one of those children was a newborn baby.
The couple was arrested on Friday following an investigation that began in August within hours of the baby's birth, according to police. Noble Police located Brittany Cameron and her boyfriend Jordan Eggenberg at a sobriety house, six months after the birth of their daughter.
Doctors told investigators their little girl was suffering from drug withdrawals.
Police: Looking for Britney and Jordan. Is that you guys? Come on out here.
Police were heard on body camera explaining the couple’s charges. explained the charges
Police: Actually yours is, he is for driving without being licensed, but the child neglect charges are going to be dropping soon.
According to court filings, in August Cameron was admitted into this hospital where she gave birth to the couple's daughter. “A child that was born in the hospital tested positive for fentanyl,” said Cleveland County District Attorney Greg Mashburn.
Court filings state that Cameron "reported smoking Fentanyl the day before the child's birth." Investigators said Jordan Eggenberg told investigators he and his common-law wife "were drug addicts" and "that he smokes Fentanyl almost daily" while living in this home in Noble. “The dangerous thing is, it takes such a small amount where it could wipe out a whole room full of people,” said Mashburn.
The couple's three other children were tested. “If the children were around it it’s going to show in their hair follicle tests,” said Mashburn.
The tests returned positive for Fentanyl. “The fact that these kids were subjected to it, or around it, we are lucky they were alive,” said Mashburn.
Eggenberg told investigators because his wife was in her last trimester, he helped her smoke the drug. He would inhale the vapors and blow them into her mouth, a process known as shot-gunning.
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