Monday, December 9th 2024, 10:29 pm
The Cleveland County Court Clerk warned residents on Monday of the latest scam, which involves people using fake arrest warrants to try to steal money from vulnerable targets.
“Unfortunately, these types of scams aren't uncommon. Right now, we're getting reports of a jury scam,” said Storme Jones, the Director of Communications for Cleveland County. “Someone basically saying, ‘Hey, you've missed jury duty and if you don't pay me money, we're going to come and arrest you.’”
Typically, scammers operate through email or phone calls, the Clerk’s Office stated. They may also ask to be paid in gift cards.
"Recently we've seen that scam kind of taken to a whole new level and folks actually showing up on people's doorstep,” Jones explained. “We had one report where someone said they actually had what appeared to be a fake warrant for their arrest, again demanding money.”
The Court Clerk's Office does not do and has never done that, Jones insisted.
"No one has ever been fined or gone to jail for missing jury duty under the current court clerk. There are mechanisms designed to get people to comply with those summons, but that's just something we've never had to use here in Cleveland County," said Jones.
Cleveland County explained that court communications including jury duty summons will be sent by U.S. mail and will never include a request for payment.
"If someone is actually at your door and you believe it might be a fraudster, call 911 because that is a serious crime-- impersonating a law enforcement officer,” the Clerk’s Office recommended.
Cleveland County Clerk Marylin Williams suggested talking with vulnerable loved ones about staying vigilant, especially around the holidays.
Read the full press release below:
Court Clerk Warns Residents About Jury Duty Scam
Cleveland County Court Clerk Marylin Williams is urging residents to exercise caution when receiving unsolicited phone calls, emails, letters, or in-person visits threatening financial or legal penalties for alleged failure to comply with jury duty requirements. The Court Clerk's Office has recently seen an alarming uptick in reports of fraudulent schemes where scammers claim the victim missed jury duty and is now subject to fines or jail time. In at least one reported case in Cleveland County, fraudsters have allegedly gone door-to-door with fake warrants demanding immediate payment by gift card. This is a scam.
“While jury duty is a vital civic responsibility and should be taken seriously by all citizens, in my tenure as Court Clerk, no Cleveland County resident has ever been fined or jailed for failing to appear for jury duty,” Williams said.
Cleveland County courts will never ask for sensitive personal information by phone or email.
Official court communications, including jury duty notifications, will be sent by U.S. mail and will never request payment.
If you have questions about a jury summons, contact the Cleveland County Jury Clerk at (405)366-0656.
If you believe you’ve been a victim of fraud, contact the Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office at (405) 521-2029 or email
If a fraudster approaches you in person, call 911 immediately. Impersonating a law enforcement officer is a criminal offense.
“These scams often target elderly and vulnerable individuals. With the holidays approaching, I encourage everyone to speak with family and friends about this troubling issue and stay vigilant,” Williams said.
December 9th, 2024
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