Friday, October 11th 2013, 6:42 pm
A quiet neighborhood in rural Guthrie was rattled after the gruesome discovery of a woman's body Friday morning. Detectives have not released the woman's name or any suspects.
A typical morning walk in rural Guthrie turned tragic when a family spotted the body of a young woman in a grassy dead-end on South Bryant Road.
"It was just a few feet, I mean it was just where our driveway was, it was just a few feet to the left," said Pattsi Thornbrue, who found the body. "There is no way to describe how that experience is, that is a shock no one should ever have to see something like that."
10/11/2013 Related Story: Woman's Body Found In Logan County
Thornbrue said around 9 a.m. she and her family saw the body of a woman half naked with marks near her neck and chest.
The family believes the body was dumped there late Thursday night since that's when they heard a car go by.
"It's a little unusual to this is a quiet little road," said J.T. Shearer, Thornbrue's son-in-law. "Usually, we get about four or five cars a day, so to see 30 parked here all on one day is kind of unusual."
It's a day Thornbrue says she'll never forget. Her 14-year-old son was walking with her and also saw the woman's body and was too traumatized to go to school.
"I've lived here for 50 years, I've never seen anything like this happen," said Thornbrue. "And it showed me that evil has entered my little world, my little safe world."
Detectives combed the scene for hours investigating how the woman died.
Chief Deputy Richard Stephens of the Logan County Sheriff's Office says woman has been identified, but her name has not been released. Several persons of interest are being interviewed, but no arrests have been made.
Sheriff's detectives along with OSBI agents are continuing their investigation.
October 11th, 2013
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