Semi Truck Hits Low-Hanging Power Lines In East Tulsa
31st Street between Memorial and 90th East Avenue is closed after a semi truck hit a low-hanging power line Monday.<br/><br/>
Monday, December 17th 2018, 12:47 pm
News On 6
31st Street between Memorial and 90th East Avenue is closed after a semi truck hit a low-hanging power line Monday.
The truck snapped the line, pulling it down along with T.V. lines and a pole. No injuries have been reported.
Crews are working now to reopen the road.
","published":"2018-12-17T18:47:02.000Z","updated":"2018-12-17T18:59:09.000Z","summary":"31st Street between Memorial and 90th East Avenue is closed after a semi truck hit a low-hanging power line Monday.