Friday, December 21st 2018, 5:26 pm
Santa Claus brought presents to children at Tulakes Elementary School Friday.
First grade teacher Shadonna Watkins’ smile was as big as her students’ as they walked down the hall to get gifts.
“All day they've been murmuring about what's getting ready to happen. They've been walking by in the hallway and trying to peek and see what's behind the corner,” Watkins said.
The special event Friday provided gifts for the student body.
A local ‘Santa,’ also donated his time to visit with the children.
The event was put on by numerous volunteers and organizations but was spearheaded Children Deserve Christmas, a charitable project by Maria Davenport and her husband.
They've been giving Christmas gifts to the less fortunate for years, but this is only their second year at Tulakes, a Putnam City Schools elementary school.
“This year it is extremely bigger than it was last year, and Santa has included us into it and we've helped Santa,” Davenport said.
All the toys given to children were brand new, some donated by members of the community and others bought by Davenport and her husband.
“Sometimes, the kids we have, they don't really have a lot of opportunities to be exposed to things like this. Sometimes they don't get a lot of things for Christmas, and they're so appreciative about everything that they get,” Watkins said.
December 21st, 2018
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October 28th, 2024
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March 7th, 2025