Tuesday, December 10th 2019, 8:06 am
Today the Enid School Board will decide if the former district police chief Mike Dods will get his job back.
After a lot of back and forth, the board is holding a special public meeting Tuesday afternoon.
The agenda posted online said the meeting will start with the board approving their own attorney, Mark Rains of the Cheek Law Firm, to represent them.
After this, both attorneys will have a chance to make a statement, present evidence and "cross examine" people. It's not clear in the agenda who will be called on for questioning.
This hearing comes after the former chief claims he was scrutinized for reporting threats of school violence against the superintendent's wishes.
There has been public outcry, and at one point in November it looked like an agreement had been reached between the district and Dods. The board ended up unanimously voting that deal down.
For the past month the Oklahoma Education Association counsel, Heath Merchen, has said the former chief has been on an emotional roller coaster and claims the district just wants him gone.
"This is someone who was up for school safety director of the year, national awards and his own administration put him up for it," said Merchen.
He also said he will fight for Dods, and described him as a good man being treated horribly.
"I personally want to see them pay for it and I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that happens," said Merchen.
In just the last few days Merchen said he and the Kay County Districts Attorney's office have been interviewing staff at the high school as part of an investigation.
Merchen said he asked for Tuesday's hearing to be continued until the investigation is over, but the district refused.
Enid Public Schools sent the following statement from their attorney, Bryan Drummond:
"Mr. Dods' attorney requested the investigation. The district has cooperated fully with the Kay County investigator. We do not know how long the investigation will take so we are proceeding with the hearing as planned. Both sides deserve the opportunity to be heard and to have an outcome decided by the Board of Education."
Dod's hearing is set for 4:00 p.m.
December 10th, 2019
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
March 27th, 2025
March 27th, 2025