Friday, August 23rd 2019, 9:15 am
The Moore Public School District has officially taken a big step in school security and safety.
Each of the schools in the district now have a storm shelter.
News 9 checked in with the school district closer to spring of 2019, but there were still a few shelters that were under construction. Now Superintendent Dr. Robert Romines said tens of thousands of kids will be safe if severe weather hits while school is in session.
"Huge relief," said Supt. Romines. "When the sirens go off and you're watching the weather, the national weather service and those types of things as the superintendent it's a huge relief to know that I'm going to send my students and our staff to a safe place."
Administrators took News 9 on a tour through three of the "safe areas" they have. Many looked just like regular classrooms, with these storm shelters doubling as multi-purpose rooms. The additional uses include choir rooms and cheer and pom facilities.
Supt. Romines said he accepted his current position one week before the deadly and tragic EF-5 that ripped through Moore back in 2013, but his journey with the city started long before that.
"You know I'm a lifer," said Supt. Romines. "I've been in Moore my entire life. You know kindergarten all the way through."
He said new areas of the schools give him peace of mind on even a personal level.
"I'm a parent as well," said Supt. Romines. "I have a daughter that attends one of our high schools in the district, and it gives me a lot of relief to know that she has a place along with the other 25,000 students we have to care for."
The superintendent said these shelters were built with bond money, so the district has the residents of Moore to thank for these additions.
August 23rd, 2019
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