Wednesday, July 10th 2019, 9:51 am
Healthcare Authority officials said they'll begin making phone calls to Soonercare recipients as a part of the efforts to clean up the healthcare plan’s rolls and ensure members' information is correct.
The Governor asked the OHCA to clean up the Soonercare rolls and to make sure patients have a current address and contact information on file. Members could lose eligibility to get care under the state plan if their information lapses.
While the phone calls will continue through the summer months, OHCA officials don’t have some of the logistics worked out just yet. According to an Authority spokesperson, there isn’t an official script nor a set caller ID for the call system yet, but they said a caller will identify themselves as from the Authority to assure a patient the call is official.
If they are unable to reach a recipient OHCA will send a letter and email, if an address is available, letting them know they could lose their benefits. That specific portion of the plan has been criticized over worries it could accidentally force rural or homeless Oklahomans to lose healthcare. Authority officials are hoping to avoid those situations.
“We're making calls during the day, during the evening on the weekends so we've got multiple opportunities to try to reach members,” OHCA Spokesperson Katelynn Burns said.
Doctors are also encouraged to remind and help patients to keep their information up to day. To doublecheck or update their information Soonercare members can call the hotline at 1-800-987-7767 or visit
July 10th, 2019
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