Friday, October 19th 2018, 7:07 am
With the midterm elections nearing, voters are navigating direct mail, tv commercials, and yard signs to learn more about the candidates running on this year’s ballot. Between Statewide offices, open-seat legislative races, county and judicial races and state questions, each voter is making about 20 different decisions about the future leadership of the state.
The Northwest Oklahoma City Chamber will give voters an opportunity to meet and talk with lots of the candidates face-to-face at their “Coffee with the Candidates” on Tuesday, October 23, from 8:30 – 10:00 AM at the LaBella Event Center, 6701 W. Wilshire Blvd. The event is free and open to the public. Coffee and a light breakfast will be provided.
More than 36 candidates for office, from the top of the ticket to the local districts, have confirmed participation in the event including nominees for Lt. Governor, State Treasurer, Auditor, Attorney General, and Labor Commissioner for both (and sometimes three) political parties.
“We think it’s important to provide people a chance to gather information and make smart decisions. It’s also vital to encourage people’s active participation in the process and ultimately, VOTING,” said Jeff Knapp, Government Affairs Chair for the NWOKC Chamber.
There will not be formal speeches or remarks. Each candidate will have a place in the room and voters will get a chance to move about and talk to them, one-on-one. A list of the confirmed participating candidates is attached.
Governor: Chris Powell, Libertarian
Lt. Gov – Matt Pinnell, Rep; Anastasia Pittman, Dem; Ivan Holmes - Ind
St. Auditor: Cindy Byrd, Rep; John Yeutter, Libertarian
Atty Gen: Mike Hunter, Rep; Mark Myles, Dem
St Treasurer: Randy McDaniel, Rep; Charles de Coune, Ind
Labor Comm: Lelie Osborn, Rep; Fred Dorrell, Dem
Insurance Comm: Kimberly Fobbs, Dem
Corp. Comm: Rep; Jackie Short, Ind
Senate22: Will Andrews, Dem
Senate 30: John Symcox, Rep; Julie Kirt, Dem
Senate 40: Joe Howell, Rep; Carri Hicks, Dem
Senate 48: Willard Linzy, Rep
House 82: Nicole Miller, Rep; Oraynab Jwayyed, Dem
House 83: Jason Reese, Rep; Chelsey Branham, Dem
House 84: Tammy West, Rep; Lauren Morris, Dem; William Cagle, Libertarian
House 85: Matt Jackson, Rep, Cyndi Munson, Dem
House 90: Jon Echols, Rep; LaValle Compton, Dem
House 100: Marilyn Stark, Rep; Zach Pearson, Dem
OK County Comm Dist 1: Brad Reeves, Rep
OK County Commission, Dist 3: Kevin Calvey, Rep
OK County Assessor: Larry Stein, Rep; Mike Shelton, Dem
OK County Treasurer: Daniel Chae, Dem
October 19th, 2018
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
March 22nd, 2025
March 22nd, 2025
March 22nd, 2025