Tuesday, August 28th 2018, 12:37 am
President Trump is reportedly considering which former government official will lose their security clearance next.
I certainly understand the decision to take it from former CIA Chief John Brennan.
Here's what you had to say…
Charles said, "the leader of the free world isn't supposed to punish people for disagreeing with him."
Michael wrote, “Brennan should have had his top-secret access revoked when he left office - why should he keep access to this type of material?"
Bret from El Reno said, "Normal people don't get to keep the keys to the building, passwords or anything else from the previous employer."
Wendi said, "What is wrong with revoking a security clearance after someone is no longer employed."
Peggy in Calvin wrote, "Brennan wants to play dirty, then gets mad when he gets caught. Glad Trump took his clearance and hope he takes more."
Matt said, "Well put Kelly, old saying…do you have a need to know? No? Then you don't need to know..."
Marie added, "I believe this man has crossed the line and talked too much."
From Charlotte, "There is no reason except personal gain to have it."
Finally, Jay from Harrah said, "Just revoke all one million plus clearances. That way when we go to war we can depend on Jared Kushner and Jeff Sessions to provide security for this country."
I'm Kelly Ogle and that's YOUR 2 Cents.
August 28th, 2018
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
March 28th, 2025
March 28th, 2025