Tuesday, February 14th 2017, 11:16 pm
I opted for the silent treatment, but I understand why a lot of Thunder fans booed Kevin Durant Saturday night.
Here's what you had to say:
Kay in Mountain View first, "I have never been so embarrassed by Oklahoma people in my life."
Carol from Stillwater, "I was thinking all the booing was affecting the Thunder worse than Kevin Durant.....he had his best game yet."
But Josh from Edmond writes, "All these people who are complaining probably don't even go to games, aren't sports fans and don't understand how sports go."
Judy in Oklahoma City, "it would have been better had the fans given KD the silent treatment and spent the energy applauding our Thunder."
Rita writes, "He took his advice from one of the most hated players in the NBA, DRAYMOND GREEN, and wonders why everyone now feels the same about him, go figure!"
Tammy in Tuttle, "it was so embarrassing to see grown men and also woman behaving like that!"
But Roger from Chickasha says, "It's part of the sport, get over it.."
And finally, from Richard in Ardmore, "He deserved the boos. OKC did everything but wash his dishes while he was here. He owed us an explanation. I would have been fine with him leaving if he had been man enough to tell us."
I'm Kelly Ogle and that's YOUR 2 Cents.
February 14th, 2017
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