Tuesday, May 24th 2016, 1:25 pm
Oklahoma City police are looking for two suspects who stole a pickup truck from a gas station near Santa Fe Ave. and I-240 Service Road.
The owner of the car is David Moore. He said he saw the two men at Murphy’s USA gas station and they looked fidgety and impaired.
“I didn’t feel threatened,” said Moore.
Moore stepped away from his car, leaving it running as he went to the store only a couple feet away. The suspects parked in between Moore’s view of his truck. One jumped out, and they both sped off.
“The next thing I knew there were two tires squealing off. One truck went one way, the other truck went the other way,” he said.
The incident was caught by gas station’s surveillance camera. It also shows a view of the two suspects inside the store. Oklahoma City Police are hoping someone will recognize the two young men.
“First thing I did was grab my phone and call 911. It was busy. I never did get through on my phone,” said Moore. He said the employee made contact with dispatch. Moore filed a report with the Oklahoma City Police Department.
Almost a week later, he received a call saying Newcastle Police recovered his truck. His vehicle has a few scratches, dents and a broken windshield, but he is grateful it is still in one piece. Moore said the license plate was switched out when the Newcastle officer pulled over the driver so they didn’t know it was Moore’s stolen car and let the man go. It wasn’t until the car was impounded that the VIN number matched that of a stolen vehicle.
Oklahoma City Police Department say they are looking for the two men in the video. If anyone has information on the suspects, contact Crime Stoppers or the police department.
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