Thursday, January 22nd 2015, 11:44 pm
A veteran in Noble says his service dog is missing and is hoping someone finds her and brings her back home.
He's got her vest, but he doesn't have Keira.
“Before Keira I missed a lot of birthday and anniversary dinners because, I couldn't go into restaurants,” said Kevin Price.
“Before I got her, before the PTSD started getting worse, the only time I could travel would be by motorcycle.”
Even the confinement of a vehicle was just too much for Price.
Price's doctor said a service dog could help so, he got Keira. She's a sensitive companion who he said can sense his anxiousness. It was so bad at times he claimed he blacked out cold to the world.
He's only had Keira for about a year, but said she's saved his life more than once.
“Twice she's already turned the engine on the truck off when I'm driving.”
Something he said she's been trained to do, pretty smart for a dog. Now, he's just hoping she's smart enough to find her way back home.
Keira is a German Shepard and weighs about 60 pounds. If you see the animal, contact your area animal control.
January 22nd, 2015
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