Monday, December 8th 2014, 6:18 pm
What's Christmas Day without a family to spend it with? Well, that's the case for more than 200 children in state custody, but DHS workers have a program in place this month hoping to pair many of those children with homes at least for Christmas Day.
There's nothing like being home for the holidays, especially for children, who have been bounced from home to home.
"Lots of the homes that we've been in, they just bought everything that we wanted, but that's not what I really wanted. I wanted actually a family that showed that they love me," said 11-year-old Cesia Komers.
Komers and her four siblings landed in a great home in Noble when Bryan and Donna Komers recently adopted them.
"I think it's special when you get to pick kids, you know they're not born to you but you say you bring them in to your life and tell them you're going to love them," said adoptive parents Bryan Komers.
There are about 250 children in DHS custody, who could be spending their Christmas inside a state shelter unless some Oklahomans volunteer to foster a child for a day, a part of their "Home for the Holidays" event.
"If we didn't have this program, the kids would have to spend Christmas Day in a shelter, and the shelter staff are great about making the kids comfortable, and making it as enjoyable as possible, but of course there's nothing like being at home with a family," DHS spokesperson Katelynn Burns.
Families can select boys or girls between the ages of 6 through 17 years old. The process to sign up is similar to the track of becoming a foster parent. Burns says it is not as extensive, but DHS does do a criminal background check and a home inspection.
Oklahoma County says there are only about 30 children in need of a place to go for Christmas. They are hoping some loving family will have them over for the holidays.
DHS hopes this program will lead more people to become foster parents.
The Home for the Holidays program is one that DHS has been sponsoring for years.
The deadline to sign up is December 18.
December 8th, 2014
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March 23rd, 2025