Wednesday, August 28th 2013, 5:08 pm
Out of the 58 murders that have occurred in Oklahoma City so far this year, eight of them are still unsolved.
Oklahoma City police have a pretty good clearance rate on most of their homicide investigations. But some of those unsolved cases are just missing one crucial link or witness or confession to make an arrest. And for the families involved, it can be an agonizing wait.
These are the names of the eight people whose recent murders are still unsolved. They are Jason Martinez, McQuallias Wright, Santorrio Ramsey, Lawrence Dickey, Evelyn Goodall, Jason Monnier, Davion Thompson, and Lyle Easky.
For the families involved, not a day goes by that they don't think about their loved one. Just ask McShunda Wright, whose brother was murdered at his NE OKC home back in January.
"It's been hard because we got to live with it every day," said Wright. "And I'm quite sure whoever did it, it's got to be eating up at them because it is eats away at us."
Police say often times, it takes time to exhaust all the leads in a murder investigation. But they say they never give up.
"Certainly it's our goal to solve every single one of them," said MSgt. Gary Knight with the Oklahoma City Police Department. "But in reality, we're not going to have a year in a city this size where we solve every single homicide."
But Wright says she still has faith police will solve her brother's murder.
"They'll get somebody. It will just be a matter of time," said Wright.
Oklahoma City police tell News 9 it is never too late to come forward with a crucial piece of information to help solve some of these unsolved murder cases. You can remain anonymous, and may be eligible for a cash reward.
Police tell us you can always call their homicide tip line at (405) 297-1200. OKC Police also have a cold case unit specifically devoted to solving those cases.
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