Friday, December 28th 2012, 3:07 pm
Police arrested a woman suspected of driving under the influence after she allegedly drove past officers and crime scene tape, and into the scene of a fatal accident.
On the night of December 26, police were investigating the fatality near S.W. 59th Street and Youngs in Oklahoma City. Patrol cars, with their emergency lights flashing, had blocked off eastbound S.W. 59th Street. An officer suddenly heard several people yelling, and turned around to see a white car driving past the patrol cars and crime-scene tape.
Several officers tried to get the driver to stop, but the woman behind the wheel did not acknowledge them. According to the police report, one officer was nearly hit by the car but jumped out of the way just in time.
The driver, identified as 25-year-old Thomasine Harjo, eventually stopped the car. When Harjo opened her car door, officers smelled the odor of alcohol on her breath; but when they asked her if she'd been drinking, Harjo said no.
Police also asked Harjo why she didn't stop when she saw the police barricade. She told them she was just following the car in front of her, although there was no other vehicle in the area.
Police arrested Harjo. She told them she couldn't go to jail because she had to make a court appearance in the morning. When the officer asked her what the court appearance was for, she replied, "DUI."
Harjo was booked into the Oklahoma County jail on complaints of DUI, driving without a state driver's license, and obstruction.
December 28th, 2012
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October 28th, 2024
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March 13th, 2025