Tuesday, October 23rd 2012, 11:09 pm
A Texas-based Southern Baptist pastor says he refuses to vote for a Mormon or a man who supports gay marriage. In fact, he says he'd rather cast a fishing pole than a ballot.
It's a story that has gained national attention after Pastor Dwight McKissic said, "They are comparing their sin to my skin." He is a part of a growing number of African American pastors who do not support the president based on his support of same sex marriage.
Voting for Gov. Willard Mitt Romney or President Barack Hussien Obama is choosing between the lesser of two evils. That's what Pastor Dwight McKissic thinks, saying President Obama betrayed the bible and the black church with his endorsement of same sex marriage.
After the annual Southern Baptist Convention, national reports surfaced the popular pastor told his congregation not to vote.
McKissic clarified his position by saying:
"I cannot stand by President Obama and his beliefs on same-sex marriage. I cannot stand by Mitt Romney and his refusal to repudiate the racist text and history of Mormonism. Therefore, I choose not to vote for neither."
After Al Sharpton and several prominent leaders spoke about the issue, McKissic amended his statement. He encouraged the congregation to study the issues and vote their conviction, but said he chooses to vote for neither.
A spokesperson for the Southern Baptists issued a statement saying in part:
"While it is up to each individual to decide whether or how he or she will vote, Oklahoma Southern Baptists have a longstanding track record of civic engagement and there is no reason to believe 2012 will prove different."
Local pastors who oppose same sex marriage aren't as vocal about the issues.
October 23rd, 2012
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