Monday, July 2nd 2012, 11:31 pm
An Oklahoma inventor creates a medical device that could save our lives one day. It's called "ScanMed QR," and it allows medical history to be accessed in an instant.
You know the bar codes when we pick up clothes or groceries? It tells the teller what the item is and how much it cost well a new medical bracelet does that for humans.
ScanMedQR provides a tiny bar code and a person's pertinent medical history. It all can be accessed with a smart phone.
The answers provide a medical responder a snapshot of your health including drug allergies, medical conditions, emergency contact information and lifesaving information, in less than 30 seconds.
"You can have up to four profiles that one person can control for the family members friends or whatever the case may be," said Eric Richardson, the creator of ScanMedQR.
Scan med cost $24.99 a year and is a small rubber bracelet you wear on wrist.
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