Friday, June 22nd 2012, 12:43 pm
Kyle Thompson, Special Contributor
NEW YORK CITY--This was a fairly light week in the Cave, but it was still an unbelievable amount of fun!
Here is a quick rundown on who came by this week!
-Aroldis Chapman (Cincinnati Reds pitcher)
-Bronson Arroyo (Cincinnati Reds pitcher)
-Wally (Boston Red Sox mascot)
-Mr. Met (New York Mets mascot)
-Roshon Fegan (Actor/Musician)
This next week is going to be crazy busy and awesome at the same time! Just to give you a little hint as to the stuff we will be doing this week, Ziggy Marley will be doing a free concert from the Cave and Topps Baseball Cards will be coming by to work with all the Dwellers on making our very own baseball cards! Expect next week's update to be more robust!
We also received official word this week that there will be an elimination at the end of June. The people that are not eliminated will be taking a trip to the Home Run Derby and All Star Game in Kansas City on July 9th and 10th! Needless to say, this elimination is a huge one!
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Also, being an Oklahoman and hearing so many people talk about the NBA Finals in OKC has been awesome. I am so incredibly proud of my state and town for getting some positive recognition. I have heard so many stories about big-time people that had never been to Oklahoma before having a great time and being unbelievably impressed with Oklahomans and our support for our team. Most have said that the Chesapeake Arena is the loudest basketball arena that they have ever been in! Now, we just need to make sure our boys get the chance to come home and clinch a title in our house!
Again, thank you for your continued support, and I am excited to see what the next week has to offer!
June 22nd, 2012
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
March 28th, 2025
March 28th, 2025