Thursday, April 19th 2012, 1:58 pm
The Oklahoma City Astronomy Club will host a free public star party on Saturday night, April 28, to celebrate International Astronomy Day.
The event will be held at Windsurfer's Point on the northeastern shores of Lake Hefner. To reach Windsurfer's Point, go west on Hefner Road from Lake Hefner Parkway and then turn south on Old Lakeshore Drive to the parking area.
Club members will display large and small telescopes and conduct solar viewing before dusk, then conduct public viewings of such objects as Saturn, Mars, Venus, the first quarter Moon and deep sky objects, including galaxies and star clusters.
The Oklahoma City Astronomy Club meets monthly on the second Friday at Science Museum Oklahoma with a 6:45 beginner's program held in the Kirkpatrick Planetarium, followed by general meetings that feature public lectures. Members also have access to a dark site observatory in Blaine County. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in astronomy.
The club is also participating in Space Day at Science Museum Oklahoma on Saturday, May 5, and will host a special event in June 5 to observe the transit of Venus across the face of the Sun, the last time that event will be visible from earth until 2117.
Find out more about the OKC Astronomy Club!
Visitors are welcome to the club website at
April 19th, 2012
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