Tuesday, March 20th 2012, 10:53 pm
Air Force One is about to touch down in Oklahoma City. President Barack Obama will speak in Cushing Thursday morning.
"How many communities of 8,000 plus can actually say they've had the president of the United States in their community?" Cushing Chamber of Commerce, Brent Thompson said.
3/20/2012 Related Story: Cushing Prepares For Presidential Visit, Invitation-Only Speech
It's the talk of Cushing. The President of the United States is on his way.
Regardless of political views, both republicans and democrats are interested to know why he's coming and what he'll be discussing – a newly-proposed Keystone pipeline would take oil from Cushing down into the Gulf of Mexico.
Where better than Cushing to discuss this? It's also known as the "Pipeline Crossroads of the World."
"I want him to learn about our plight with our oil crude storage and how desperately we need to get our pipeline constructed," Cushing resident, Kris Kinzie said.
According to the White House, President Obama will talk about his support for pipelines and refineries on Thursday in Cushing.
"I have to question. Why he wants to come here with all of the oil, oil deal and him shutting that pipeline down?" Cushing resident John Harrison said.
Many questioned if the President's on their side, after he stalled the larger pipeline that would have stretched from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
The White House says the President is committed to improving our ability to compete with oil prices globally, and plans to talk about how to do that safely.
The Cushing Police Chief tells News 9 they're expecting protestors from across the nation and Oklahoma. They say though they don't expect any protestors who call Cushing home.
Also a bit of a surprise to many people we talked to, the President's visit is not open to the public.
Many people in Cushing were looking forward to seeing him and hearing firsthand what his thoughts and plans on when it comes a Keystone pipeline plan.
We will livestream President Obama's speech and you can watch the entire address on News9.com.
March 20th, 2012
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