Thursday, July 14th 2011, 10:54 pm
Kelly Ogle, News 9
I asked last night whether the government should pay to protect Casey Anthony when she's released from jail Sunday.
You sent in some interesting comments starting with Jo Ann in Altus: "She is not owed anything by the taxpayer. She made her bed, now let her lay in it."
Chad in Ada: "..we can't just push her out into the street and say good luck. Because if some random person kills her it will not make it justice."
Nick from Stillwater: "It was Casey's choices that resulted in a public trial and the consequences are hers alone to bear."
Bear from Elk City: "I try to see things from both ways but there is no seeing things her way at all.
You can just look her face, she looks cold and heartless!"
Byron in Tuttle: "The state of Florida did not unilaterally thrust her into the spotlight. Anthony's attorney could have opposed a public trial.."
Becky asks: "..who needs to take responsibility for her being thrust into our living rooms, the government or the media?"
Chuck from Tuttle says: "..protect her until this blows over. Get a life, Anthony is trying to."
And finally this from Laura: "Personally I think she will get what she deserves and what she deserves is a good butt whoopin'!"
July 14th, 2011
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