Tuesday, July 5th 2011, 8:26 pm
Kelly Ogle, News 9
OKLAHOMA CITY -- It wasn't quite the OJ Simpson trial, but the Casey Anthony verdict Tuesday certainly brought back some memories didn't it.
Most courtroom observers were stunned by the not guilty jury handed down by a jury in Orlando Tuesday afternoon.
I have to admit, I've followed the trial loosely over the last few weeks, and all of the evidence, circumstantial as it was pointed to Casey Anthony.
Juries are expected to make hard decisions, but I wonder if we haven't CSI'd them so much that if there's no "smoking gun" whether literally or through forensic evidence they're hesitant to use common sense to come to a conclusion.
Casey Anthony lied about her daughter's disappearance for a month, the child was dead all along.
She lied to investigators at every turn, the jury convicted her of that yet couldn't find her responsible for Caylee's death.
Spectators say the police investigators were shocked by Tuesday's verdict.
The jury isn't talking yet, but it will be interesting to hear who they think is responsible for Caylee Anthony's death.
July 5th, 2011
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