Friday, July 1st 2011, 1:25 am
Kelly Ogle, News 9
OKLAHOMA CITY -- I'm not a very patient guy, so going to the doctor can be a bit trying for me.
I love it when I finally see the doctor and he tells me my blood pressure's up a little. It wasn't 45 minutes ago when I got here.
Amanda pointed out an interesting story she saw, and I had to share it with you.
It points out that the average wait time at doctors' offices is 24 minutes, and went on to describe some interesting ways patients have dealt with it.
Some have decided to bill the doctor for their time wasted in the waiting room, and a few of the doctors have even paid.
Others have blogged about their doctor's tardiness.
And some doctors are apparently becoming aware of their patients' impatience.
One New York doctor. gives his patients a $5 bill if they have to wait more than 15 minutes... probably does an extra throat swab or something to get it back on the bill.
I know, I'm getting cynical.
Another gives them handmade soap or lotion.
Doc, I'd rather you just get me in instead of wasting your time cooking up handmade soap like Granny Clampett.
Doctor, we appreciate your skill and dedication, truly we do, but let's work on the punctuality. OK?
Boy, my next appointment's going to be fun, huh?
July 1st, 2011
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
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