Friday, March 19th 2010, 8:53 pm
Amy McRee, NEWS 9
Friday, March 19
It's 11:45 p.m. local time and it's the first chance I've gotten to blog today. We had an incredibly busy day once again. We drove 2 hours north to Atiak (near the Sudan border) where the docs set up another clinic while the players dug a well at a nearby school.
Nearly 500 people waited to be treated at the clinic. The doctors saw all the patients they could before running out of medicine and time. They plan on hosting another clinic again tomorrow with the hope of treating as many patients as possible.
Up until now it had just been Tommie Harris, Roy Williams and Mark Clayton assisting the Water 4 foundation with well digging. Well today, AD finally arrived. He had a few flight delays which caused him to get here two days later than the rest of the guys, but he got right to work and right into interacting with the locals (in fact I interviewed one of his new friends during a live shot I did for the morning show. It was pretty great.)
It's been so neat to see these guys, so distinguished and talented beyond belief, be so humble and down to earth. I've learned not only do they share a unique bond as NFL players, but also have a strong faith in God. Something I've witnessed numerous times on this trip thus far.
It was certainly apparent from the moment we stepped off the bus after arriving in Uganda. As we waited to board our buses at the Entebbe airport, Bill Horn (the player's agent) quieted all of us so Tommie could pray for us. He thanked God that we made it safely and asked that He watch over us as we set out on our new journey.
It was obvious this morning, as Mark sat down beside me at the hotel breakfast table and before he dug into his plate of Ugandan cuisine, he bowed his head to pray and bless his meal.
Another instance played out one of our bus rides, something I've shared with the players the last few days. (we're all assigned buses as we travel and I'm on the same bus that carries Tommie, Roy and Mark.) Roy sat at the back one morning with his headphones on, listening to Christian music. He began to sing a familiar gospel tune aloud.. Mark joined in and later Tommie. It was as if I had entered church for second and I must say it definitely put a smile on all of our faces.
It's hard to go on a trip like this and not reflect about your own faith and life. In a country where people have so little, there is one thing they all have in common.. a belief in God and a hope that He will make their lives better. A hope that brings them joy and contentment, which was expressed to me by several people I spoke with who live here.
This trip is definitely changing my perspective on many things. How much do I really need to live on to be happy and how much emphasis am I putting on things that really don't matter in my own life? I'll take these thoughts to bed with me as it's now close to 1 a.m. and I've got a long day. I'll catch up with you tomorrow!
March 19th, 2010
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
March 23rd, 2025
March 23rd, 2025
March 23rd, 2025
March 23rd, 2025