Thursday, March 18th 2010, 8:18 am
LeAnne Taylor, The News On 6
Well, I'm finally in the land of the living! The trip over was long and I wasn't feeling very well when we got to Kampala. Upset stomach and nausea got the best of me but I wasn't going to let it win! Unfortunately I took some anti nausea medicine and it made me so sleepy, I could hardly stay awake on the bus ride to Gulu. Others around me on the bus would say "Look at the monkeys!" or "There's the Nile River" and I would lift my head off my pillow in time to see the sights. But thank goodness, today I finally feel like my old self again and just in time.
It's Thursday in Gulu and I'll be going live for Six in the Morning in less than an hour. Across from where I'm sitting right now is the medical clinic where the Oklahoma physicians have been seeing patients all morning. People are lined up in the sun waiting their turn to go in. Children, babies and adults are grateful for the chance to get medical care. They've seen people with some serious problems and others who have colds and coughs. The doctors are amazing as they visit with each patient.
Earlier in the day, we stopped at Restore Leadership Academy where more than 200 students attend. Today they got a special treat… the chance to meet the NFL players! They had watched the athletes on YouTube yesterday but got to meet them in person today! Roy Williams, Mark Clayton and Tommie Harris got a lesson in African football (we know it best as soccer) and really worked up a sweat. Then we watched as the athletes showed brute strength in trying to dig a water well. It takes about four days to complete so we just saw the first part of the process. I spoke with one of the students who has been chosen to learn how to dig the wells and he is so excited to help bring water to the area.
I will close for now with something Sister Rosemary told us last night. She is the woman who runs Saint Monica Tailoring Centre. She said it's one thing to read about these places or hear about the work being done but to come in see it in person means the world! I'm thrilled to be here "seeing" for you what these Oklahomans are doing.
March 18th, 2010
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
March 23rd, 2025
March 23rd, 2025
March 23rd, 2025