Thursday, November 27th 2008, 4:38 pm
BOSTON -- Every year, World Against Toys Causing Harm, Inc. comes out with their 10 worst toys list. They have been evaluating potential safety flaws and dangers in toys for over 30 years.
The Boston based non-profit released their 2008 list of toy to watch out for during holiday shopping.
Everything from Spiderman toys to Winnie the Pooh made this year's hazardous 10:
1. Animal Alley Purse Pet - Risk of ingestion or choking
2. Ninja Battle Gear Michelangelo - Potential for blunt impact injuries
3. Walk'n Sounds Digger The Dog - Potential for strangulation and entanglement injuries
4. Pucci Puppies: My Own Puppy House Golden Retriever - Risk of choking
5. Meadow Mystery Play-A-Sound Book With A Cuddly Pooh - Risk of choking
6. Inflatable Giga Ball - Potential for impact or other serious injuries
7. Spider-Man Adjustable Toy Skates - Risk of wrist or other impact injuries
8. Sportsman Shotgun - Potential for eye injury
9. Go Go Minis Pullback Vehicle - Risk of choking
10. Extreme Spiral Copters - Potential for eye injuries
Click here to see photos and learn more about the 10 worst toys.
November 27th, 2008
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