Monday, August 18th 2008, 2:55 pm
August 13-18
Operation Boot Camp, Month 2 - Days 17-22
I've been a slacker with the blog! Whoops...
Last Tuesday was the last time I blogged. That day we did a killer workout. Since I'd missed a day a few weeks before, I had to do a make up session that night at a different boot camp. So I did hoops & ladders in the morning, and followed it with a 3-mile run that night. My feet were sore but I was pretty proud of myself.
Wednesday we had off, so I did a quick homework assignment, then on Thursday we did House of Pain. It's where we do different exercises at stations. Friday was a blast, because we played ultimate frisbee in the dark. I've got some pretty impressive bruises on my wrists from trying to catch the frisbee! Both days this weekend I did homework, and then today we did Land Run again. It's where we have a parking lot full of orange cones with a number underneath. We get into two teams (Boomers and Sooners) and race to the cones. Pick up a cone, then do jumping jacks, squats, push-ups, etc. in the amount of the number underneath. It's actually pretty fun. We got out really early and Laura and I realized we didn't do the core workout, so like good troopers, we did the core by ourselves!
This is the last week of my bootcamp and I'm a little sad. I'm taking September off for a lot of reasons, but I'm definitely going to miss my fellow campers. I will certainly continue to workout daily. This has become more than a newsroom experiment for me, it's a lifestyle change. I'm confident in my body for the first time in years. I feel great and have tremendous energy. I have abs. No way am I giving that up!
If you're interested in trying Operation Boot Camp, the new month starts next Monday, so sign up soon at
-- Paula
August 18th, 2008
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
October 17th, 2024
January 14th, 2025
January 14th, 2025