Wednesday, May 21st 2008, 10:00 am
With all due respect to Sam Bradford and Blake Griffin and Courtney Paris...the most single-handedly important athlete on the OU campus may be D.J. Mathis.
I know, I know. A QB is vital to a team's success, and Blake and CP are invaluable to their respective teams. But in college sports there is no single position more valuable to a team's success than a softball pitcher. You simply cannot compete without an ace. And thankfully for the Sooners Mathis, after waiting in the wings a year ago, decided to be an ace this season. She gives OU a chance at a championship this season.
There have been college football national championships won without superstar quarterbacks running the show. There have been hoops titles won with teams that had good chemistry. But there has NEVER been a softball championship won without an ace in the circle.
The current OU athlete Mt. Rushmore would be Sam, CP, Blake and DJ...and Mathis may be the most vital.
May 21st, 2008
November 13th, 2024
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March 20th, 2025