Tuesday, January 8th 2008, 7:00 pm
The Moore School District is growing by leaps and bounds. It's growing so fast that the District will soon ask voters to approve a bond issue three times larger than the one they appproved just last year.
Moore is probably still the fastest growing 6A district in the state. Next August, the third high school, Southmoore, will open.
But Moore says it needs more money, for more buildings, for more students.
Last February voters approved a $21 million bond issue to build more classrooms at several elementary schools, plus new construction at the original high school, and also to install security cameras at all 21 school buildings.
However, Moore is adding 400 to 600 new students every year. So, the Superintendent says another bond issue for $69 million is necessary.
"We're very hopeful that our voters will be able to understand the needs tha twe have to build two elemetrry schools, actually one on the west side of town and one on the east side of town," Moore Superintendent Debbie Arato said.
The $69 million bond issue will go before voters on March 4.
January 8th, 2008
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