Tuesday, April 15th 2008, 7:58 pm
By Melissa Maynarich, NEWS 9
During Pope Benedict XVI's six day visit, he'll meet with President Bush at the White house, address leaders in Roman Catholic Higher education, speak at the UN, visit ground zero, and hold two Masses before leaving on Sunday night.
And Oklahoma City woman Jean Mulligan has tickets to one of those Masses.
"I think I might put them in my scrapbook or I might just go ahead and frame them, but my biggest concern is I'm going to have to keep them in good condition while I'm traveling," Mulligan said.
But before she frames them -- she's going to use them to get into Mass at Yankee Stadium on Sunday.
"I've always watched things on TV about the Pope, and have always wondered ‘what would it be like to be at Mass with the Pope?' Mulligan said.
Mulligan works at the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City as an administrator in Vocations, working with Seminarians.
Jean's dreamed of visiting Rome someday, but doesn't know if she'll ever get the chance. And she said, this is the next best thing.
"He's close to God," Mulligan said. "He's a very holy man, and just to be in his presence will be an awesome experience."
But Pope Benedict won't be met in the U.S. without protest -- gay Catholics and those supporting women's ordination are planning demonstrations.
April 15th, 2008
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