Wednesday, April 22nd 2015, 5:39 pm
Many Oklahomans know the weather, fancy themselves "amateur meteorologists" even. But, the science behind severe storms can be difficult to understand. That's where a new online series from Oklahoma's own, Gary England, will help.
“Well, I still work for News 9, but recently I've been working with the University of Oklahoma and a company called ‘Next Thought' in creating, developing and producing a video, a program on tornadoes. Primarily tornadoes and safety and significant storms, and it's titled ‘Gary's Tornado Alley,'” said England.
“We started talking about how we could bridge technology and weather and how we could use the devices in our pocket or on our desk to make us more aware of weather and so what part of it was that we needed to really make it to where anybody could understand if we took the math and the science out of it, so just a normal person like myself could understand it.”
“The best part was we let Gary be Gary. And said, ‘Let you tell the story about how you understood weather 40 years ago or four years ago.' So this is intended to make you understand how it happens and really respect what happens with severe weather and then do the right thing and take the precautions, taking care of your children, taking care of the elderly, taking care of your pets, doing the right thing and being ready to go when weather strikes,” said David Goodspeed with the University of Oklahoma.
April 22nd, 2015
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