Tuesday, February 12th 2013, 6:25 pm
The son of the pharmacist who was convicted of repeatedly shooting a teenage robber is in trouble with the law.
Jeffrey Ersland is accused of smuggling pain meds into the prison where his father Jerome is doing time. He spoke exclusively with News 9 Crime Tracker Adrianna Iwasinski.
Jeffery Ersland is currently out on bond, and is waiting for his day in court to defend his actions.
Ersland turned himself into the Cleveland County jail Monday night around 7 p.m. after he was told a warrant had been issued for his arrest.
2/11/2013 Related Story: Jerome Ersland Charged With Possession Of Contraband
Tuesday afternoon, he appeared in Cleveland County court with his attorney by his side for his arraignment.
Jeffery Ersland is accused of bringing in contraband to the Joseph Harp Correctional Center, where his father Jerome is currently serving a life sentence for a murder conviction.
Court papers state that back on November 25 during a prison visit with his son, a prison guard "observed Ersland pick something up off a table," and "place it in his left front pocket."
When asked to show what it was, Jerome Erlsand provided the guard with "two transparent transdermal Fentanyl patches", which are said to be "stronger than morphine."
Court papers state the next day, a prison captain "received a telephone call" from Jeffrey Ersland, who admitted he had "brought in the Fentanyl patches to his father, because he had been "complaining of shoulder pain."
February 12th, 2013
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