Monday, July 9th 2012, 12:40 pm
Oklahoma City police say two people walked into a bank intending to rob it, but walked out empty-handed.
On July 6, the suspects – one male and one female -- walked into BancFirst on N. May Avenue near Hefner Road. The teller told police the male suspect mumbled he wanted to make a withdrawal. When the employee asked if he wanted to withdraw the money from his savings or checking account, the man hesitantly replied from checking.
The teller said when he asked for the man's account number, the suspect could not give an accurate number. The teller said the two suspects then exchanged glances, and the male suspect gave the teller a note that read, "Give me all the money this is a robbery."
The employee asked the suspect how he wanted to the money, and the female suspect opened her purse and replied, "Cash." The teller then asked if they wanted big bills, and the woman said yes.
When the employee turned to walk to his cash drawer at the drive-thru window, the female suspect stopped him and ordered him to get the money from his current station. When the teller told her there was no cash at that station, the suspects looked at each other then left the bank through the front doors.
Police were able to obtain surveillance video from the bank. Investigators released still photos from the video, hoping someone will recognize the duo.
The first suspect is described as a black male, approximately 5 feet 6 inches tall and 120 to 140 pounds. He was wearing a gray, striped hoodie, a baseball cap, a folded t-shirt covering his head and hat, sunglasses and possibly jeans.
The second suspect is a black female, 5 feet 6 inches tall and 150 to 180 pounds. The teller said she had blue eyes and black hair, but may have been wearing a wig. She was wearing dark, tight stretch pants, a dark-colored loose shirt, and heels.
Anyone with information should call Crime Stoppers at (405) 235-7300. Callers can remain anonymous and may be eligible for a cash reward.
July 9th, 2012
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