Friday, September 18th 2009, 5:35 pm
By Gan Matthews, NEWS 9
NORMAN, Oklahoma -- The spirit of volunteerism is alive and well in Norman. More than 300 people volunteered to help in a variety of ways Friday. Among those volunteers was the First Lady of Oklahoma.
"One team, one dream" was the motto of the Day of Caring, now in its 16th year. Volunteers pitched in to spruce up a transitional home operated by Food and Shelter For Friends.
"So, having a large group come in like this and just really get everything done all at once is such a blessing because now we'll be able to quickly move someone in," Lisa Sorrells with Food and Shelter for Friends said.
Volunteer projects like this were going on all over town this Friday. Just about all the volunteers came from Norman, save one. And she was someone pretty special.
First Lady Kim Henry put in some time helping out with Norman's Meals on Wheels program.
"Oh, it's a big thrill, and she was here working in our little assembly line getting the meals together and going over the directions and everything, so it was a great thrill and she's a great worker, too," Lynn Haynes with Meals on Wheels said.
Later the First Lady made a few deliveries as well.
At the Community Services building it was the Battle of the Banks. Volunteers from First American and Republic Banks kept busy kept busy raking, trimming and supervising.
"When the kids and people come in and they see a clean place, a bright place, a nice place, it helps with the children," Vicki Jansing with First American Bank said.
They represented all sorts of business and civic groups. But--to repeat--this day these volunteers were one team with one dream.
September 18th, 2009
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